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1st part: Choose to Build Your Self-Confidence 

Why it matters?

A recent study showed that 41% of teens rate their social media experience as having a negative impact on their mental health.

As students scroll through social media, they may experience feelings of inadequacy, which lowers their self-esteem and contribute to bullying. That’s why I guide them through three key questions aimed at helping them build and maintain strong self-confidence.

Who do you talk to the most each day?

How do you mostly feel afterward?

What kind of decisions do they trigger?

Close out:

Students will hear a brief Thomas Edison story to highlight the importance of having a strong self-believe system in and out of school.  


"Many of our students can be unresponsive at times, but you found a way to engage them and capture their attention. That was truly impressive."

- Assistant Principal Rodgers

@ Everett Alvarez HS, Selena, CA

"I'm thrilled by how Mr. Fana engaged with our students and the sheer relevance of the material presented! Thank you for doing what you do around our country."

- Dr. James, Principal

@ Hartsville Middle, SC

"I just wanted to say thank you again for our great presentation. I look forward to future endeavors!"

- Assistant Principal Western @ Kissimmee, Middle School

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